The AGM is held at the April Meeting each year and so can only be attended by Members.

Members may apply to become Committee Members and if so will need to submit a Nomination Form to the Chairman by the March Meeting. This must be signed by a Proposer & Seconder as well as the Member. The current Chairman will be listed on the About Us page and his Contact details are available on the Members page once you have logged in.

At the AGM it is usually down to the Chairman as to what positions he asks the candidate to take. If a particular candidate would like to organise Trips & Outings, for example, and there is a vacancy, then they would be asked to fill this post. By the same token if a past Committee Member applies to be a Committee Member and still wishes to resume in his or hers past role, then so be it. If there are more candidates than vacant positions then it would be put to the Vote by club members as to who should get the position.


Download Committee Nomination Form